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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

hw #1-5 Distrbutive Property

We haven't finished our deep dive into this topic... I'm expecting that you may be a little muddy at this point.  Give the worksheet a try and ask some questions.


  1. Hey Mr's justin...i'm really struggling with the distributive property stuff...can you help me understand it?

  2. Hey it's justin... i figured it out. thanks.

  3. on the blog it says to do 1-5 on the distributive property, but yesterday in class the assignment was pg. 50, questions 9-24. Should I do both?

  4. For homework tonight I changed the assignment. I want you to do the download-able worksheet that is posted on MathChamber Unit 1. I left a physical copy in my room this morning for you to pick up, REMEMBER??

    No need to do the problems on pg 50. Don't worry if you struggle a bit, we will be reviewing the distributive property in class tomorrow.

    Mr. C.

  5. What do you mean by draw the area model

  6. thanks. I was a little worried that I did the wrong assignment. I did get 1-5 packet.
