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Thursday, October 28, 2010

hw #3-2 Solving Multi-Step Inequalities... QUIZ ON MONDAY!!

... AND you need to be able to recognize IDENTITY and NO SOLUTION problems.

The QUIZ is on sections 3-1 thru 3-4.

pg 190-91 #15-43 ODD, #44-46

pg 193 Mid-Chapter Quiz

What does OPTIONAL - SUGGESTED mean?  It means at the very least you need to look at these problems.  If they all resemble hw problems that you've done before and you understand them completely, congratulations, you're getting an "A" on the quiz.  If you're not sure how to attack a given problem (or two or three), give me a holler on the blog and let's see if we can work it out.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

hw #2-8 Are YOU ready for the Unit Test?

hw #2-8
pg 134-35 #7-17 ODD, #19-21 ALL
pg 153-155 #1-55 Odd

The UNIT 2 TEST (aka "ODE TO A BIG FAT ONE" will cover sections 2-1 thru 2-8; SKIP 2-9 & 2-10

Monday, October 18, 2010

hw #2-7

pg 121 #9-39 Mult of 3
pg 127-28 #9-39 Mult of 3

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Algebra Toolkit

OK, now is the time... we are going to whip our ALGEBRA TOOLKIT into shape!

Don't do any updating of your toolkit book just yet... I would like each of you to review the text book thru chapters 1 and 2 up to where we are now.  Then I want you to list on a separate sheet of paper the definitions, properties and examples that should be a part of our toolkit. ACTUALLY, I WOULD LIKE YOU TO POST THE LIST TO THIS BLOG. I expect that this toolkit will be useful to you when you take geometry next year AND when you take algebra2 in high school.

SO, post your suggestions here on the blog!!

Make sure you understand the homework from last class (literal equations) or you better be asking some questions!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

hw #2-3

pg 97-98 #22-34 EVEN
pg 105 #10-18 ALL

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

hw #2-2

hw#2-2: Due Weds Oct 6
pg 97-98 #9-20 ALL, 21-29 Odd

Friday, October 1, 2010



You should be reviewing the questions on pages 68-73 (excepting section 1-8). ANY QUESTION from these pages is FAIR GAME for the test... ca-peesh??

hw #2-1

hw #2-1
pg 91 #11-18