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Monday, October 18, 2010

hw #2-7

pg 121 #9-39 Mult of 3
pg 127-28 #9-39 Mult of 3


  1. Anonymous said...
    i have a question but there is no place to put it so im putting it here.....for number 18, how many kg is one poun????????????????

    October 18, 2010 3:13 PM
    tyler said...
    I believe one kilo gram is worth 2.20462262 pounds :)

    October 18, 2010 3:18 PM
    tyler is soooo smart said...
    for 21, 1 cm equals .393700787 inches.

    October 18, 2010 3:21 PM

  2. Please round to two decimal places in your conversions... you should find conversion rates in your planners, yes?

  3. This seems stupid-- but how do I get all of the denominators in problem #9 to equal one so I can get the unit rate? :(

  4. How would I make #24 a proportion?
    6.30/1 week x 1 week/7days ?

  5. How do you set up # 30 as a proportion?

  6. In #9, what happens if you simply do the division? Don't overcomplicate things... with out today's lesson, you would have simply divided, right?

    For #24, if you are going to set up a proportion, you need an equal sign, right?

    Consider this:
    - If the package of 10 razors cost $6.30, how much does each razor cost?
    - So .63/1 week = ??/ 1 day
    - What now?

    #30 is just like the rate conversion problem we did in class. You want to re-state 60ft/sec in another unit of distance measure AND time measure. BUT (with one 't'), you don't want to change the value i.e. 60ft/sec... so you can only multiply by a BIG FAT ONE. The question is, which ONE do you choose?

    Let me know if this helped.
    Mr. C.

  7. Why would 6.30 change to .63?

  8. $6.30 was for 10 razors... what's the cost of one razor?? (aka UNIT COST, the BIG FAT ONE of a coefficient in the prominator)

  9. Oh so you divide by 10

  10. [This is for HW 2-8]
    How would you make #29 on pg 154 an equation?
